Every day, I see patients who can't remember the last time they woke up without aches and pains. They blame their age or their genetics for their constant state of discomfort.
They've may have been on anti-inflammatory medication and it worked for awhile, until it didn't because it didn't address the ROOT CAUSE.
The root cause to the aches and pains is often inflammation. And that same inflammation is the problem behind serious health concerns like heart disease, neurodegenerative disease, strokes, type II diabetes and more.
The World Health Organization has stated that chronic inflammatory diseases are the BIGGEST threat to human health.
Now, this sounds scary but it doesn't have to be because we have the power to reduce inflammation through our habits.
I've been teaching this content in my clinic for years and I have seen this information transform the health of my patients for nearly 20 years.
What I've done for you is put together a JAM-PACKED bundle of information and tools focused on inflammation!